While You Were Sleeping wins the heart of its viewers

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While You Were Sleeping is a wonderful film. It has many great things about it. Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman, the plot, the story, everything about it. It's one of the best romantic comedies that I have seen. It's funny and cute at the same time. The movie should make Sandra Bullock a romantic-comedy star.

It tells the story of a young woman, Lucy (played perfectly by Sandra Bullock), who works for the subway. She sees this man, Peter, that she has never talked to and falls in love with him. She sees him everyday. On Christmas Day, the man is pushed onto the rails by two muggers. She rescues him and so starts the movie.

The family mistakes her for his fiancee, compliment of a nurse, and everything changes for her. It is really fun and funny to watch her struggle with this. The funniest parts lie ahead though, when Jack (Bill Pullman) shows up. She has to pretend to be Peter's fiancee. She wriggles through all the questions and challenges Jack and the family put on her. The funniest part is when they all ask her to prove to them that she is his fiancee. That and when she is in Peter's apartment and Jack shows up.

I'm not going to spoil the ending of the movie, though it is hilarious. Sandra Bullock is at her best in this movie. She is charming and witty. Bill Pullman is really funny as he struggles to prove that she isn't who she says she is. The rest of the cast, even Peter, is good. This is one of those perfect date movies.

The movie is rated PG and it should be. There is nothing offensive in this, except for when they talk about Peter's one testicle. It's a funny moment but might be offensive to some viewers. Overall, this movie is one to see.

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